Welcome to my gallery of pictures and 360 degrees panoramas

All these digital pictures have been taken from 1999 to present,

1999-2000 with an Olympus D-400Z (1.3 megapixel)
2001-2004 with an Olympus C-2000 (2 megapixels)
2005-2009 with a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ-5 (5 megapixels)
2010-present with a Canon G9 (12.1 megapixels)

Among all the files on my hard disk, I've chosen these particular pictures,
because they are reflecting what I like in photography
and are some sort of "a best of" of my "work""

To the pictures gallery

To the 360 panoramas gallery

Enjoy your visit

© Zanza's Digital Kitchen